Monday, June 20, 2011


I just could not resist writing about how ridiculous I find this to be.

   A Portland, Oregon based company, Bright Light Ventures, created the Zafirro Iridium sapphire bladed razor. This razor, with a $100,000 USD price tag, is made to last forever. But, it actually needs to be sharpened approximately every 10 years. 
   While this may be however cool, it is absurd and a complete waste of time and resources. Maybe I wouldn't think that if the resources used were plentiful - Iridium, platinum and sapphire. I would expect this thing to be BLINGING. 
 A razor lasting forever is a great idea. But not at this price, or even at a fifth of this price. A quick search on will yield disposable razors sold for $.53, and even cheaper at $.45 if you subscribe and save. At this price, you could use a new razor everyday for 90 years and still not break $15,000.

Overall, I think this  Zafirro Iridium razor would be perfect for the 2,600 year trip to the nearest inhabitable planet.
Bright Light Ventures can be found here. And, information about Zafirro can be found here.


  1. billionaires have to spend their money on something i guess.

  2. Wow $100 k for a razor! Blade razors also last a lifetime and they cost like $30 bucks. :)

  3. I guess if you were rich, it would be pretty cool to say that you shave with a "Iridium sapphire bladed razor". Until someone asks what you paid for it, which I'm sure even rich folk would laugh at you for.

    This reminds me of the $1000 iPhone app which is called "I am rich", and does nothing.

  4. you could have someone shaving your whole body hair once a week with the same money :P

  5. Someone will buy it

  6. we could like eat for a few months with $100 :)

  7. It does sound quite cool, but would never be worth it XD

  8. I guess it's more to say they can do it than to real sell it. They will probably sell more of the common ones after this.
    But it's really ridiculous!

  9. I thought I got ripped off paying $20 for my razor.

  10. "Consumer Culture" is disgusting !
    Who would even consider buying such a wasteful, imbecilic "product" ?! Any sensible person would say - buy a bic razor for .10, and give the rest to feed the poor and help the homeless !

  11. Oh yeah - Burnduro - please visit my blog, and see if the latest post is visible - a vid by Warrant - All My Bridges Are Burning...
    A bunch of people say they can't see the videos on the blog, and i don't know what to do !
    Thanks !

  12. seems like a good shaver but I just use disposable ones

  13. That's just conspicuous consumption at its finest.

  14. A real man doesn't need to shave. You just need a proper trimmed beard.

  15. I'm sure Bill Gates has one of these.
    And Oprah to be clean shaven.
    To people like them, $100,000 is like ten bucks to us.
    Followed, I want to see what other thought provoking stuff you'll post.
